Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of the public relations and advertising program you should be able to:

  • Understand and apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press for the country
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the history and role of professionals and institutions in shaping communications
  • Demonstrate an understanding of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and, as appropriate, other forms of diversity in domestic society in relation to mass communications
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of peoples and cultures and of the significance and impact of mass communications in a global society
  • Understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and information
  • Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity
  • Think critically, creatively and independently
  • Conduct research and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the communications professions in which you work
  • Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications professions, audiences and purposes you serve
  • Critically evaluate your own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness, clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness
  • Apply basic numerical and statistical concepts
  • Apply tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which you work, with emphasis on the ability to write in all public relations formats
  • Demonstrate competency in the role of communications in organizational environments of all types
  • Demonstrate competency in strategic planning and problem-solving

Read the USC School of Journalism's Assessment of Learning Outcomes.